10BE5 KTP Project
This KTP project, in collaboration with 10BE5 Ltd., aims to automate a critical, time-consuming fact-checking and verification process for companies listing, or looking to list, securities on public markets. It will apply UK-based cutting-edge research in natural language processing (NLP). The project will deliver novel AI-based software capabilities for public companies, private companies preparing for securities offerings, and their advisors for automated claim detection, fact-checking, and verification that addresses consistency.
The fact-checking and verification process revolves around disclosure documents on which investors rely to make informed investment decisions. Ensuring that disclosure documents contain factual and verifiable information is laborious, given the complexity, variety, and sheer volume of information disclosed. The project will deliver novel AI-based software capabilities for public companies, private companies preparing for securities offerings, and their advisors for automated claim detection, fact-checking, and verification that addresses, among other things:
- The consistency among various data points sent to investors at the document and fine-grained claim level.
- The veracity of certain data points against underlying sources.
These capabilities will form part of a new NLP product that complements 10BE5's current drafting products and plugs a gap that several of 10BE5's current users have identified - disclosure document drafts change frequently, requiring repeated updating and verifications. 10BE5's existing customers will be able to save additional time and costs. The product will also have the potential to significantly widen 10BE5's customer base and increase its sales. This will strengthen 10BE5's market position as a provider of software automating capital markets-related work streams.
- Accelerate time to market for new products.
- Expand market share and widen 10BE5's customer base.
- Enhance internal capabilities by embedding advanced data science expertise and specifically NLP knowledge for the development of new products and ongoing improvements of its existing products.
- Enable 10BE5 to provide a complete offering to customers.
Project Team
University of Manchester
- Prof. Sophia Ananiadou, Professor of Computer Science, NaCTeM - Academic Supervisor & Lead
- Prof. Junichi Tsujii, Professor of Computer Science, NaCTeM - Support Academic
- Dr. Ruby Rani, KTP Research Associate
10BE5 Ltd
- Mr. John Kwan, Director-Chair
- Dr. Benjamin Woods, Head of Engineering
- Gerry O'Hagan, KT Adviser
Featured News
- CL4Health @ NAACL 2025 - Extended submission deadline - 04/02/2025
- Prof. Sophia Ananiadou accepted as an ELLIS fellow
- Invited talk at the 15th Marbach Castle Drug-Drug Interaction Workshop
- BioNLP 2025 and Shared Tasks accepted for co-location at ACL 2025
- Prof. Junichi Tsujii honoured as Person of Cultural Merit in Japan
- Participation in panel at Cyber Greece 2024 Conference, Athens
- Shared Task on Financial Misinformation Detection at FinNLP-FNP-LLMFinLegal
- New Named Entity Corpus for Occupational Substance Exposure Assessment
- FinNLP-FNP-LLMFinLegal @ COLING-2025 - Call for papers
Other News & Events
- Keynote talk at Manchester Law and Technology Conference
- Keynote talk at ACM Summer School on Data Science, Athens
- Invited talk at the 8th Annual Women in Data Science Event at the American University of Beirut
- Invited talk at the 2nd Symposium on NLP for Social Good (NSG), University of Liverpool
- Invited talk at Annual Meeting of the Danish Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine