""" A sample Python code for the Termine Web Service. This code requires Python 2.2 or later and ZSI 2.0. Before running this code, run the following command to generate wrapper classes for the service: $ wsdl2py -u http://www.nactem.ac.uk/software/termine/webservice_key/termine.wsdl """ from termine_services import * port = termineLocator().gettermine_porttype() req = analyze_request() # Call the service with default options. print "--- Default ---" req._src = 'Technical terms are important for knowledge mining, especially in the bio-medical area where vast amount of documents are available.' req._key = "Your key here" res = port.analyze(req) print res._result print # Analyze the same text and obtain the result in XML. print "--- XML output ---" req._output_format = 'xml' res = port.analyze(req) print res._result print req._output_format = None # Register words 'area' and 'amount' to the stoplist. print "--- Apply stoplist, ['area', 'amount'] ---" req._stoplist = 'area amount' res = port.analyze(req) print res._result print req._stoplist = None # Modify the linguistic filter to extract prepositional phrases. print "--- Modify the linguistic filter to '{IN}{DT}*{JJ}*{NN}+' ---" req._filter = '{IN}{DT}*{JJ}*{NN}+' res = port.analyze(req) print res._result print req._filter = None # Analyze the sentence with part-of-speech annotation. print "--- Analyze a part-of-speech tagged (POST) sentence ---" req._input_format = 'post.genia' req._src=""" Technical Technical JJ terms term NNS are be VBP important important JJ for for IN knowledge knowledge NN mining mining NN , , , especially especially RB in in IN the the DT bio-medical bio-medical JJ area area NN where where WRB vast vast JJ amount amount NN of of IN documents document NNS are be VBP available available JJ . . . EOS """ res = port.analyze(req) print res._result print