Workpackage and Activity |
Deliverables |
Planned Start Date |
Planned End Date |
Actual End Date |
Workpackage 1: Project Management |
Objective: To co-ordinate and manage the work and day-to-day progress. To provide a communication medium between the centre and the funders. Consolidation of the project planning, control, progress reports, milestone reports, financial statements and budgetary overviews. Coordination with international partners and associated entities. |
01/12/06 |
30/11/08 |
Ongoing |
T1.1 Project Plan |
D1.1 Project Plan |
31/05/06 |
22/05/06 |
T1.2 Final report on the project's achievements, findings, outcomes and messages to the JISC community |
D1.2 Final Project Report |
01/10/08 |
30/11/08 |
Work Package 2: Requirements Gathering and Evaluation |
Objective: Test data gathering, requirements analysis by users, set up of evaluation methodology, creation of gold standard |
01/12/06 |
31/10/08 |
T2.1 Gathering test data for analysis |
D2.1 Test Data |
01/12/06 |
31/03/07 |
14/12/06 |
T2.2 Setting up evaluation framework |
D2.2 Report |
01/03/07 |
31/07/07 |
T2.3 Creation of gold standard |
D2.3 Gold Standard |
01/04/07 |
31/07/07 |
T2.4 Final Report on Evaluation |
D2.4 Final Report on Evaluation |
01/09/08 |
31/10/08 |
Work Package 3: Document Clustering |
Objective: Use of document clustering software and integration into NaCTeM pipeline |
01/02/07 |
31/07/07 |
T3.1 Customisation of document clustering software |
D3.1 Customised Tool |
01/02/07 |
30/04/07 |
T3.2 Integration of document clustering software into pipeline |
D3.2 Prototype Document Clustering Demonstrator |
01/05/07 |
31/07/07 |
Milestone One |
Work Package 4: Information Extraction |
Objective: Customisation of existing text mining tools for social science applications |
01/05/07 |
31/12/07 |
T4.1 Adaptation of named entity recogniser |
D4.1 Customised NER tool |
01/05/07 |
31/06/07 |
T4.2 Adaptation of chunker |
D4.2 Customised chunker tool |
01/07/07 |
31/08/07 |
T4.3 Customisation of shallow parser |
D4.3 Customised shallow parser |
01/09/07 |
31/10/07 |
T4.4 Prototype Information Extraction Demonstrator |
D4.4 Prototype IE Demonstrator |
01/11/07 |
31/01/08 |
Milestone Two |
Work Package 5: Summarisation |
Objective: Development of a scalable summarisation engine; integration into existing NaCTeM infrastructure |
01/09/07 |
31/07/08 |
T5.1 Development of 1st prototype summarisation engine |
D5.1 Version 1 of Summarisation Engine |
01/09/07 |
31/01/08 |
Milestone Three |
T5.2 Scaling up engine and evaluation |
D5.2 Version 2 of Summarisation Engine |
01/02/08 |
30/04/08 |
T5.3 Integration of summarisation engine into text mining pipeline |
D5.3 Version 3 of Summarisation Engine |
01/05/08 |
31/07/08 |
Work Package 6: Service Exemplar |
Objective: Development of service exemplar which demonstrates the full capabilities of the summarisation tool |
01/03/08 |
30/11/08 |
T6.1 Prototpye Service for summarisation tool using requirements analysis |
D6.1 Prototype Service |
01/12/07 |
31/08/08 |
Milestone Four |
T6.2 Service Exemplar for summarisation tool using modification based on evaluation |
D6.2 Service Exemplar |
01/09/08 |
30/11/08 |
Work Package 7: Dissemination |
Objective: Development of a Roadmap for availability of summarisation service, presenting work to conferences, organisation of a workshop |
01/12/06 |
30/11/08 |
T7.1 Integrate the project into the NaCTeM web site |
D7.1 Project Web Site |
01/12/06 |
28/02/07 |
Ongoing |
T7.2 Organise a workshop |
D7.2 Workshop |
01/08/08 |
31/10/08 |
Work Package 8: Support for the Community Call |
Objective: Promote text mining through dissemination activities and engagement with user groups |
01/12/06 |
30/11/08 |
Ongoing |
T8.1 Community Call for Text Mining tools in Scoial Sciences |
D8.1 Community Call |
01/08/07 |
30/11/07 |
T8.2 Engage with community |
D8.2 Prepare joint proposals |
01/12/07 |
30/11/08 |