/* * $Id: pds_nagai.cpp,v 2005/04/27 09:15:20 miwa Exp $ */ #include "stdafx.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "search.h" #include "pn.h" #include #include void print_kind(const Shogiban* s); //debug string movestring(const Move& m); // debug const bool STORE_SEARCH_HASH = true; const int TSUMAZU = 255; const int PN_MAX = 255; //const int DN_MAX = 255; const int DN_MAX = 65535; const int MAX_DEPTH = 100; static TpTable* _tptable; //static ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; //static Move _move_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; const static NumInhands INHAND_MIN = NumInhands(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const static NumInhands INHAND_MAX = NumInhands(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 18); bool is_adjacent(r_coord_t rc); int remove_senseless_moves(List& ml, side_t turn); // 敵玉が自由に動けない升のビットを求める static unsigned int eking_covered_mask(const Shogiban* ban, side_t turn) { side_t eside = enemy_side(turn); const Masu* target = ban->ou_masu(eside); unsigned int freesq = 0; for (const Kiki* k = target->from_kiki_begin(); k != target->from_kiki_end(); k = k->next_kiki_from_same_masu()) { const Masu* masu = k->kiki_to_masu(); if (masu->has_kiki(turn)) continue; // 自分のききがある if (masu->stat() != 0 && !masu->can_catch(eside)) continue; // 敵の駒がある freesq |= 1 << get_happou_no(times_side(masu - target, turn)); } unsigned int covered = ~freesq; return covered; } static bool lookup_hash(const int depth, const ShogibanHashKey& key, side_t attack_side, int* tsumi_depth, int* dyn_eval_pn, int* dyn_eval_dn, NumInhands* sente_atk_inhands, Move* pmove = NULL) { // *dyn_eval = 1; return false; *dyn_eval_pn = 1; *dyn_eval_dn = 1; // return false; bool t_hit = _tptable->retrieve_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, dyn_eval_pn, dyn_eval_dn, tsumi_depth, sente_atk_inhands, pmove); if ((*dyn_eval_pn) == 0) (*tsumi_depth) += depth; if (t_hit) return true; // ハッシュにない場合 *dyn_eval_pn = 1; *dyn_eval_dn = 1; return false; } static NumInhands calc_gote_inhands(const Shogiban* ban, NumInhands sente_inhands, NumInhands sente_atk_inhands) { NumInhands gote_inhands(ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 1), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 2), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 3), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 4), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 5), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 6), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 7)); assert(sente_atk_inhands.Eq_or_gt(sente_inhands)); if (sente_atk_inhands == sente_inhands) return gote_inhands; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { int diff = sente_atk_inhands.Num(i) - sente_inhands.Num(i); assert(diff >= 0); for (int j = 0; j < diff; j++) gote_inhands.Decrement(i); } return gote_inhands; } static ShogibanHashKey calc_min_inhands(const Shogiban* ban, const ShogibanHashKey & key, side_t attack_side, NumInhands atk_inhands) { if (atk_inhands == INHAND_MAX) return key; NumInhands tmp_inhands = key.inhand(); if (attack_side == SENTE) { if (tmp_inhands.Eq_or_gt(atk_inhands)) { tmp_inhands = atk_inhands; } } else { NumInhands gote_inhands(ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 1), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 2), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 3), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 4), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 5), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 6), ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, 7)); if (gote_inhands != atk_inhands && gote_inhands.Eq_or_gt(atk_inhands) && tmp_inhands != INHAND_MAX) { for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { int diff = ban->mochigoma_num(GOTE, i) - atk_inhands.Num(i); for (int j = 0; j < diff; j++) tmp_inhands.Increment(i); } } } return ShogibanHashKey(key.key0(), key.key1(), tmp_inhands); } static int defense(const l_thread_id tid, Move _move_sequence[], ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[], int& countdown, const int depth, int& pn, int& dn, const ShogibanHashKey& key, Shogiban* ban, NumInhands & atk_inhands, List& best_move_list); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // 攻め方 //----------------------------------------------------------------- static int attack(const l_thread_id tid, Move _move_sequence[], ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[], int& countdown, int depth, int& pn, int& dn, const ShogibanHashKey& key, Shogiban* ban, NumInhands & atk_inhands, List& best_move_list) { // atk_inhands = INHAND_MAX; if (depth >= MAX_DEPTH-2) { pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; return -2; } if (countdown-- < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) return -1; side_t turn = ban->turn(); side_t attack_side = turn; if (ban->ou_masu(enemy_side(turn))->has_kiki(turn)) { pn = 0; dn = DN_MAX; atk_inhands = INHAND_MIN; return depth; // 相手の玉を取れる } int dyn_eval, tsumi_depth, dyn_eval_dn; Move tmp_move; NumInhands a_inhands; if (lookup_hash(depth, key, attack_side, &tsumi_depth, &dyn_eval, &dyn_eval_dn, &a_inhands, &tmp_move)) { if (dyn_eval == 0) { best_move_list.clear(); best_move_list.push_back(tmp_move); assert(Searcher::is_legal_move(ban, tmp_move)); assert(tmp_move != Pass); // note) need to debug pn = 0; dn = DN_MAX; if (attack_side == SENTE) { atk_inhands = a_inhands; } else { atk_inhands = calc_gote_inhands(ban, key.inhand(), a_inhands); } // assert(tsumi_depth % 2 == 1); return tsumi_depth; } if (dyn_eval_dn == 0) { pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; return -2; } if (dyn_eval >= pn && dyn_eval_dn >= dn) { pn = dyn_eval; dn = dyn_eval_dn; return -1; } } else { if (Searcher::check_immediate_tsumi(tid, ban, best_move_list)) { pn = 0; dn = DN_MAX; Move best_move = best_move_list.front(); atk_inhands = INHAND_MIN; if (best_move.is_uchi()) atk_inhands.Increment(best_move.kind()/2); ShogibanHashKey tmp_key = calc_min_inhands(ban, key, attack_side, atk_inhands); // tmp_key = ShogibanHashKey(key.key0(), key.key1(), INHAND_MAX); /* if (key != tmp_key) { print_kind(ban); cout << "best_move = " << movestring(best_move) << " "; cout << "tmp_inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << tmp_key.inhand().Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; } */ //_tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, 0, DN_MAX, _tptable->store_checkmate_info(tmp_key, attack_side, 0, DN_MAX, 1, best_move); if (STORE_SEARCH_HASH) _tptable->store_search_info(key, 9999, 100000-(depth+1), SearchInfo::EXACT, best_move); return depth + 1; } } // 循環を避けるため _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); _key_sequence[depth] = key; // List ml; LL(Move, ml, tid); const Masu* enemy_ou_masu = ban->ou_masu(enemy_side(turn)); int nmoves = Searcher::generate_effect_to(ban, ml, ban->ou_masu(enemy_side(turn))->pos(), 0xffff, false); LL(Move_and_Info, mil, tid); for (List::const_iterator i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); i++) { ShogibanHashKey key1 = key; key1.update(ban, *i); Move_and_Info mi(*i, key1); /* const Masu* tmasu = ban->masu(i->to()); int my_kiki_num = tmasu->total_kiki_num(turn); int e_kiki_num = tmasu->total_kiki_num(enemy_side(turn)); if (i->is_sashi()) my_kiki_num--; // if (i->is_uchi() && e_kiki_num > my_kiki_num) { if (e_kiki_num > my_kiki_num+1) { // cout << movestring(*i) << " "; mi.is_mudaai = true; } */ /* if (i->is_uchi()) { if (i->kind() == 2 || i->kind() == 4 || i->kind() == 12) { int ex = enemy_ou_masu->retsu(); int ey = enemy_ou_masu->gyou(); const Masu* tmasu = ban->masu(i->to()); int tx = tmasu->retsu(); int ty = tmasu->gyou(); int distance = max(abs(ex - tx), abs(ey - ty)); if (distance >= 3) { // print_kind(ban); // cout << movestring(*i) << endl; mi.is_mudaai = true; } } } */ mil.push_back(mi); } while(1) { // 反証数の sum, 証明数の min を計算 List::iterator best = mil.begin(); int dyn_dn_sum = 0; for (List::iterator i = mil.begin(); i != mil.end(); i++) { bool hit = false; if (i->pn == -1) { NumInhands a_inhands; hit = lookup_hash(depth+1, i->key, attack_side, &(i->tsumi_depth), &(i->pn), &(i->dn), &a_inhands); if (i->pn == 0) { if (attack_side == SENTE) { i->atk_inhands = a_inhands; } else { ban->s_move(i->move); // 後手の持ち駒が変わる可能性があるので i->atk_inhands = calc_gote_inhands(ban, i->key.inhand(),a_inhands); ban->s_reverse(); // ほんとは move しないで計算可能 } } } dyn_dn_sum += i->dn; if (!hit && dyn_dn_sum > 1 && i->is_mudaai) dyn_dn_sum--; if (i->pn < best->pn) best = i; if (best->pn == 0) { atk_inhands = best->atk_inhands; if (best->move.is_uchi()) { if (atk_inhands != INHAND_MAX) atk_inhands.Increment(best->move.kind() / 2); } else { const Masu* masu = ban->masu(best->move.to()); if (masu->stat() != 0) { int kind2 = masu->placed_koma()->kind() / 2; if (atk_inhands.Num(kind2) > 0) atk_inhands.Decrement(kind2); } } /* print_kind(ban); cout << "tsumi_move = " << movestring(best->move) << endl; cout << "inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << key.inhand().Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; cout << "a_inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << atk_inhands.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; */ break; } } if (dyn_dn_sum > DN_MAX) dyn_dn_sum = DN_MAX; // 王手がない if (best == mil.end() || dyn_dn_sum == 0) { pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); return -2; } // 詰み or Terminate if (best->pn == 0 || (dn <= dyn_dn_sum && pn <= best->pn)) { pn = best->pn; dn = dyn_dn_sum; if (pn == 0) { ShogibanHashKey tmp_key = calc_min_inhands(ban, key, attack_side, atk_inhands); /* if (key != tmp_key) { print_kind(ban); cout << "tmp_inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << tmp_key.inhand().Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; } */ //_tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, 0, DN_MAX, best->tsumi_depth - depth, best->move); _tptable->store_checkmate_info(tmp_key, attack_side, 0, DN_MAX, best->tsumi_depth - depth, best->move); if (STORE_SEARCH_HASH) _tptable->store_search_info(key, 9999, 100000-best->tsumi_depth, SearchInfo::EXACT, best->move); assert(best->tsumi_depth >= 0); if (best_move_list.empty()) best_move_list.push_back(best->move); // assert(best->tsumi_depth % 2 == 1); return best->tsumi_depth; } _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); return -1; } dyn_eval = max(dyn_eval, best->pn); // select_child // 証明数が最小のノードを選ぶ // ただし、このノードの証明数より小さいものは同一視 List::iterator child = mil.begin(); for (List::iterator i = mil.begin(); i != mil.end(); i++) { int cpn = i->pn; assert(cpn != 0); cpn = max(dyn_eval, cpn); if (cpn <= child->pn) { if (cpn < child->pn) child = i; else { int cdn = i->dn; if (cdn < child->dn) child = i; } } } int cpn = child->pn; int cdn = child->dn; if (dn > dyn_dn_sum && (cdn <= cpn || pn <= best->pn)) { cdn++; } else { cpn++; } const Move& move = child->move; _move_sequence[depth] = move; ban->s_move(move); LL(Move, enemy_bestml, tid); NumInhands a_inhands(INHAND_MAX); int tsumi_depth = defense(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, countdown, depth+1, cpn, cdn, child->key, ban, a_inhands, enemy_bestml); // if (depth == 0) { // cout << movestring(move) << " cpn = " << cpn << " cdn = " << cdn << endl; ban->s_reverse(); if (tsumi_depth >= 0) { // 詰みが見つかった場合は、mil の先頭に持ってきたほうが速くなりそう(反証明でも同じ) best_move_list = enemy_bestml; best_move_list.push_front(move); assert(tsumi_depth <= 255); child->tsumi_depth = tsumi_depth; child->atk_inhands = a_inhands; } child->pn = cpn; child->dn = cdn; if (countdown < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) return -1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // 玉方 //----------------------------------------------------------------- static int defense(const l_thread_id tid, Move _move_sequence[], ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[], int& countdown, const int depth, int& pn, int& dn, const ShogibanHashKey& key, Shogiban* ban, NumInhands & atk_inhands, List& best_move_list) { atk_inhands = INHAND_MAX; if (depth >= MAX_DEPTH-2) { pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; return -2; } if (countdown-- < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) return -1; side_t turn = ban->turn(); side_t attack_side = enemy_side(turn); bool cap_ou = false; const Masu* atk_ou_masu = ban->ou_masu(attack_side); if (atk_ou_masu != (Masu*)-1) { if (atk_ou_masu->has_kiki(turn)) // 相手の玉を取れる cap_ou = true; } if (!ban->ou_masu(turn)->has_kiki(attack_side) || // 王手がかかっていない cap_ou) { // 相手の玉を取れる pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); return -2; // 絶対不詰 } int dyn_eval, tsumi_depth, dyn_eval_dn; Move tmp_move; NumInhands a_inhands; if (lookup_hash(depth, key, attack_side, &tsumi_depth, &dyn_eval, &dyn_eval_dn, &a_inhands, &tmp_move)) { if (dyn_eval == 0) { pn = 0; dn = DN_MAX; if (attack_side == SENTE) { atk_inhands = a_inhands; } else { atk_inhands = calc_gote_inhands(ban, key.inhand(), a_inhands); } return tsumi_depth; } if (dyn_eval_dn == 0) { pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; return -2; } if (dyn_eval >= pn && dyn_eval_dn >= dn) { pn = dyn_eval; dn = dyn_eval_dn; return -1; } } // 循環を避けるため _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); _key_sequence[depth] = key; // 王手を防ぐ手の生成 // List ml; LL(Move, ml, tid); int nmoves = Searcher::generate_king_defense_moves(ban, ml); // Move_and_Info のリストを作成 (何度も使うから) LL(Move_and_Info, mil, tid); LL(Move_and_Info, mil_muda, tid); for (List::const_iterator i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); i++) { ShogibanHashKey key1 = key; key1.update(ban, *i); // 無駄合いかどうか? Move_and_Info mi(*i, key1); if (i->is_uchi()) { int kiki_num = ban->masu(i->to())->total_kiki_num(turn) - ban->masu(i->to())->total_kiki_num(enemy_side(turn)); if (kiki_num < 0) { mi.is_mudaai = true; } } mil.push_back(mi); } int max_tsumi_depth = -1; while(1) { // 証明数の sum, 反証数の min を計算 List::iterator best = mil.begin(); int dyn_pn_sum = 0; atk_inhands = INHAND_MIN; for (List::iterator i = mil.begin(); i != mil.end(); i++) { bool hit = false; if (i->pn == -1) { NumInhands a_inhands; hit = lookup_hash(depth+1, i->key, attack_side, &(i->tsumi_depth), &(i->pn), &(i->dn), &a_inhands); if (i->pn == 0) { if (attack_side == SENTE) { i->atk_inhands = a_inhands; } else { i->atk_inhands = calc_gote_inhands(ban, i->key.inhand(),a_inhands); } } } dyn_pn_sum += i->pn; if (!hit && dyn_pn_sum > 1 && i->is_mudaai) dyn_pn_sum--; if (i->dn < best->dn) best = i; if (i->pn == 0) { // atk_inhands = atk_inhands.Or(i->atk_inhands); // max?? if (i->atk_inhands.Eq_or_gt(atk_inhands)) atk_inhands = i->atk_inhands; // 一番長い詰み if (i->tsumi_depth > max_tsumi_depth) { max_tsumi_depth = i->tsumi_depth; if (best_move_list.front() != i->move) { best_move_list.clear(); best_move_list.push_back(i->move); } } } if (best->dn == 0) break; } if (dyn_pn_sum > TSUMAZU) dyn_pn_sum = TSUMAZU; // 詰み if (best == mil.end() || dyn_pn_sum == 0) { const Move& last_move = _move_sequence[depth-1]; if (last_move.is_uchi() && last_move.kind() == 14) { if (max_tsumi_depth <= depth+1) { // print_kind(ban); // 打歩詰め pn = TSUMAZU; dn = 0; _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); return -2; } } pn = 0; dn = DN_MAX; int tsumi_depth; if (best == mil.end()) tsumi_depth = depth; else tsumi_depth = max_tsumi_depth; // 違法手の場合(ピンされてる駒が動いて防ぐ手など) if (tsumi_depth == depth+1) { best_move_list.clear(); tsumi_depth = depth; } if (tsumi_depth == depth) { // この局面で詰んでいる場合 atk_inhands = INHAND_MIN; // ここでもハッシュに最小持駒で登録 } else { if (ban->ou_masu(turn)->long_dir_kiki_num(enemy_side(turn)) > 0) { // 遠距離王手は合い駒ができるので // ほんとうはもっと効率化可能 if (turn == GOTE) atk_inhands = key.inhand(); else atk_inhands = calc_gote_inhands(ban, key.inhand(), key.inhand()); } } ShogibanHashKey tmp_key = calc_min_inhands(ban, key, attack_side, atk_inhands); /* if (key != tmp_key) { print_kind(ban); cout << "tmp_inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << tmp_key.inhand().Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; } */ Move mv = Pass; if (!best_move_list.empty()) mv = best_move_list.front(); _tptable->store_checkmate_info(tmp_key, attack_side, pn, dn, tsumi_depth - depth, mv); // _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, tsumi_depth - depth, mv); if (STORE_SEARCH_HASH) _tptable->store_search_info(key, 9999, -(100000-tsumi_depth), SearchInfo::EXACT, mv); assert(tsumi_depth >= 0); // assert(tsumi_depth % 2 == 1); // cout << "#"; // for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << atk_inhands.Num(i) << " "; // cout <dn == 0 || (pn <= dyn_pn_sum && dn <= best->dn)) { pn = dyn_pn_sum; dn = best->dn; _tptable->store_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, pn, dn, 0, Pass); if (dn == 0) { assert(pn == TSUMAZU); return -2; } return -1; } dyn_eval_dn = max(dyn_eval_dn, best->dn); // select_child List::iterator child = mil.begin(); for (List::iterator i = mil.begin(); i != mil.end(); i++) { int cdn = i->dn; assert(cdn != 0); cdn = max(dyn_eval_dn, cdn); if (cdn <= child->dn) { if (cdn < child->dn) child = i; else { int cpn = i->pn; if (cpn < child->pn) child = i; } } } int cpn = child->pn; int cdn = child->dn; if (pn > dyn_pn_sum && (cpn <= cdn || dn <= best->dn)) { cpn++; } else { cdn++; } // 無駄合い // ... その場所に相手の駒を移動させて詰むかどうかを調べる // 取った駒をすぐに玉方に返すのといっしょ if (child->is_mudaai) { int tsumi_depth = -1; const Move& move = child->move; // print_kind(ban); // cout << movestring(move) << endl; _move_sequence[depth] = Pass; ShogibanHashKey key1 = key; key1.update(ban, Pass); ban->s_move(Pass); // 攻め方の手番に _key_sequence[depth+1] = key1; LL(Move, ml, tid); Searcher::generate_moves_to(ban, ml, move.to()); LL(Move, dummy, tid); for (List::const_iterator i = ml.begin(); i != ml.end(); i++) { r_coord_t kdir = get_step(i->to() - i->from()); r_coord_t odir = get_step(ban->ou_masu(turn)->pos() - i->from()); if (kdir != odir) continue; ShogibanHashKey key2 = key1; key2.update(ban, *i); _move_sequence[depth+1] = *i; ban->s_move(*i); // 無駄合いの場所に移動 _key_sequence[depth+2] = key2; dummy.clear(); int _pn = pn; int _dn = dn; NumInhands a_inhands(INHAND_MAX); tsumi_depth = defense(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, countdown, depth+2, _pn, _dn, key2, ban, a_inhands, dummy); ban->s_reverse(); if (tsumi_depth >= 0) break; // if (tsumi_depth < 0) // child->is_mudaai = false; // else { // break; // 一つでも詰めばよい // } } ban->s_reverse(); if (tsumi_depth < 0) child->is_mudaai = false; // どれでも詰まなかった else { /* // これはだめ、無駄合いをとった後の手順だから、とった駒の位置がちがう if (tsumi_depth-2 > max_tsumi_depth) { max_tsumi_depth = tsumi_depth; best_move_list = dummy; } */ mil.erase(child); continue; } } const Move& move = child->move; _move_sequence[depth] = move; ban->s_move(move); LL(Move, enemy_bestml, tid); NumInhands a_inhands(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); int tsumi_depth = attack(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, countdown, depth+1, cpn, cdn, child->key, ban, a_inhands, enemy_bestml); // assert(attack_side == GOTE || // (attack_side == SENTE && key.inhand().Eq_or_gt(a_inhands))); if (tsumi_depth >= 0) { child->tsumi_depth = tsumi_depth; if (tsumi_depth > max_tsumi_depth) { max_tsumi_depth = tsumi_depth; best_move_list = enemy_bestml; best_move_list.push_front(move); } child->atk_inhands = a_inhands; /* print_kind(ban); cout << "inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << child->key.inhand().Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; cout << "atk_inhands = "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << atk_inhands.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; */ } ban->s_reverse(); child->pn = cpn; child->dn = cdn; if (countdown < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) return -1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // tsume 入口(完全な詰み手順を返す) // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // 攻め方 static int id_attack(const l_thread_id tid, int max_nodes, Shogiban* ban, ShogibanHashKey key, List& best_move_list) { assert(max_nodes > 0); assert(key == ShogibanHashKey(ban)); ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; Move _move_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; // 多重反復深化 int tsumi_depth; int pn = 1; int dn = 1; while(1) { int last_pn = pn; int last_dn = dn; NumInhands a_inhands(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 18); // max tsumi_depth = attack(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, max_nodes, 0, pn, dn, key, ban, a_inhands, best_move_list); if (pn == 0 || dn == 0 || max_nodes < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) { pn = last_pn; dn = last_dn; break; } if (pn <= dn) pn++; else dn++; } return tsumi_depth; } // 玉め方 static int id_defense(const l_thread_id tid, int max_nodes, Shogiban* ban, ShogibanHashKey key, List& best_move_list) { assert(max_nodes > 0); assert(key == ShogibanHashKey(ban)); ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; Move _move_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; // 多重反復深化 int tsumi_depth; int pn = 1; int dn = 1; while(1) { int last_pn = pn; int last_dn = dn; NumInhands a_inhands(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 18); // max tsumi_depth = defense(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, max_nodes, 0, pn, dn, key, ban, a_inhands, best_move_list); if (pn == 0 || dn == 0 || max_nodes < 0 || Searcher::is_search_aborted()) { pn = last_pn; dn = last_dn; break; } if (pn <= dn) pn++; else dn++; } return tsumi_depth; } //---------------------------------------------------- // 手順をハッシュから取り出す //---------------------------------------------------- void Searcher::retrieve_checkmate_sequence(Shogiban* ban, ShogibanHashKey key, side_t attack_side, List& best_ml, bool depth_mode) { Move t_move; int dyn_eval, tsumi_depth, dyn_eval_dn; Move tmp_move; // if (!lookup_hash(0, key, attack_side, &tsumi_depth, &dyn_eval, &dyn_eval_dn, &tmp_move)) return; if (depth_mode) { if (!tptable->retrieve_cm_depth(key, attack_side, 999, &tsumi_depth, &tmp_move)) return; if (tsumi_depth < 0) return; } else { NumInhands dummy; if (!tptable->retrieve_checkmate_info(key, attack_side, &dyn_eval, &dyn_eval_dn, &tsumi_depth, &dummy, &tmp_move)) return; } if (!is_legal_move(ban, tmp_move)) return; if (tmp_move == Pass) return; best_ml.push_back(tmp_move); key.update(ban, tmp_move); ban->s_move(tmp_move); retrieve_checkmate_sequence(ban, key, attack_side, best_ml, depth_mode); ban->s_reverse(); return; } int Searcher::pds_nagai_complete(const l_thread_id tid, int max_nodes, Shogiban* ban, ShogibanHashKey key, side_t attack_side, List& best_move_list) { int turn = ban->turn(); _tptable = tptable; if (attack_side != turn) { key.update(ban, Pass); ban->s_move(Pass); // パスして攻め方の手番にする } int n = 0; int depth; bool start = true; while(1) { LL(Move, best_ml, O_THREAD_ID); if (!start) { _tptable->clear(); } start = false; if (ban->turn() == attack_side) depth = id_attack(tid, max_nodes, ban, key, best_ml); else depth = id_defense(tid, max_nodes, ban, key, best_ml); if (best_ml.size() < depth) { LL(Move, ml, O_THREAD_ID); retrieve_checkmate_sequence(ban, ban->key(), attack_side, ml); if (ml.size() > best_ml.size()) best_ml = ml; } // 詰まない if (max_nodes < 0) break; if (depth < 0) break; // 詰み手順の終わりの局面まで進める for (List::const_iterator i = best_ml.begin(); i != best_ml.end(); i++) { // cout << movestring(*i) << endl; assert(is_legal_move(ban, *i)); best_move_list.push_back(*i); key.update(ban, *i); ban->s_move(*i); n++; } if (best_ml.size() == depth) break; // cout << "depth == " << depth << " best_ml.size() = " << best_ml.size() << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ban->s_reverse(); if (attack_side != turn) ban->s_reverse(); if (depth < 0) return depth; // cout << n << "手詰み" << endl; return n; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // tsume 入口 // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int Searcher::pds_nagai(const l_thread_id tid, int max_nodes, Shogiban* ban, ShogibanHashKey key, side_t attack_side, List& best_move_list) { /* for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { NumInhands a(rand() % 3, rand() % 3, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 19); NumInhands b(rand() % 3, rand() % 3, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 5, rand() % 19); NumInhands c = a.Or(b); for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << a.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << b.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << c.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; cout << endl; } exit(0); */ assert(max_nodes > 0); int turn = ban->turn(); // _tptable = this->tptable; _tptable = tptable; // _tptable->clear(); if (attack_side != turn) { key.update(ban, Pass); ban->s_move(Pass); // パスして攻め方の手番にする } if(_use_svm){ max_nodes = (int)(1.3 * max_nodes / (1. + exp(-_svm->predict_ban(ban)))); } // ShogibanHashKey key(ban); assert(key == ShogibanHashKey(ban)); int countdown = max_nodes; ShogibanHashKey _key_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; Move _move_sequence[MAX_DEPTH+10]; // 多重反復深化 int tsumi_depth; // int max_pn = 250; // int max_dn = 250; int pn = 1; int dn = 1; NumInhands a_inhands; while(1) { int last_pn = pn; int last_dn = dn; tsumi_depth = attack(tid, _move_sequence, _key_sequence, countdown, 0, pn, dn, key, ban, a_inhands, best_move_list); // cerr << pn << " " << dn << endl; if (pn == 0 || dn == 0 || countdown < 0) { pn = last_pn; dn = last_dn; break; } if (pn <= dn) pn++; else dn++; if (pn >= PN_MAX || dn >= DN_MAX) break; } /* Move dummy; int re = reconfirm_tsumi(ban, key, key, dummy); print_kind(ban); cout << "tsumi_depth = " << tsumi_depth << endl; cout << "reconfirm = " << re << endl; */ if (attack_side != turn) ban->s_reverse(); /* if (tsumi_depth >= 0) { cout << "O"; } else if (tsumi_depth == -2) { cout << "z"; } else { cout << "."; } */ /* if (tsumi_depth >= 0) { cout << "pn = " << pn << " dn = " << dn << " で、"; cout << tsumi_depth << "手詰み" << endl; cout << "証明駒 "; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) cout << a_inhands.Num(i) << " "; cout << endl; } else if (tsumi_depth == -2) { cout << "pn = " << pn << " dn = " << dn << " で、"; cout << "絶対不詰" << endl; } else { cout << "pn = " << pn << " dn = " << dn << " で、"; cout << "不明" << endl; } cout << "ノード数: " << max_nodes - countdown << endl; */ // LL(Move, ml, O_THREAD_ID); // retrieve_checkmate_sequence(ban, ban->key(), attack_side, ml); // best_move_list = ml; return tsumi_depth; } /* * $Log: pds_nagai.cpp,v $ * Revision 2005/04/27 09:15:20 miwa * change svm parameter * * Revision 2005/04/25 18:51:57 yokoyama * merged from trunk (from 2004-09-XX to revision merge_to_classifier_20050426) * * Revision 1.24 2004/11/15 17:39:04 tsuruoka * shomeigoma bugfix * * Revision 1.23 2004/10/02 05:48:39 tsuruoka * make some modifications for the windows version * * Revision 2004/08/19 08:47:48 miwa * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.22 2004/05/15 16:01:38 yokoyama * マルチスレッド版を本流に * * Revision 2004/05/07 13:54:39 tsuruoka * fixes in wcsc14 * * Revision 1.21 2004/04/07 13:43:41 tsuruoka * shomei-goma (atk_inhands) * * Revision 1.20 2003/10/10 07:31:10 tsuruoka * 初めて訪れる局面で check_immediate_tsumi() * * Revision 1.19 2002/11/28 16:35:35 tsuruoka * 証明数、反証数が上限を超えないように修正 * * Revision 1.18 2002/09/29 14:25:04 tsuruoka * 詰みチェックを中止してもすぐに返ってこない問題を修正 * * Revision 1.17 2002/06/21 10:46:29 yokoyama * autoconf対応 * * Revision 1.16 2002/03/26 12:39:07 tsuruoka * bugfix * * Revision 1.15 2001/12/17 14:42:21 tsuruoka * cm_depth() でハッシュから手順をとってくるように * * Revision 1.14 2001/12/07 03:26:52 tsuruoka * windowsとの互換性向上 * * Revision 1.13 2001/12/06 13:36:13 tsuruoka * pds_nagai_complete() を追加。(完全な手順を返す) * * Revision 1.12 2001/11/13 09:54:00 tsuruoka * 攻め方の玉がいなくてもいいように * * Revision 1.11 2001/09/25 04:17:32 tsuruoka * 無駄合いbugfix * * Revision 1.10 2001/09/25 04:09:09 tsuruoka * 無駄合いの処理をちょっと修正 * * Revision 1.9 2001/03/06 11:55:30 tsuruoka * searcher のほとんどを static 化 * * Revision 1.8 2001/03/01 13:03:32 tsuruoka * _move_sequence[] と _key_sequence[] を stack に * * Revision 1.7 2001/03/01 08:53:46 tsuruoka * 時間打ち切り対応 * * Revision 1.6 2001/03/01 06:51:09 tsuruoka * pds_nagai() も thread id もちまわり * * Revision 1.5 2001/02/28 10:58:55 tsuruoka * 詰みの局面を search_hash に store * * Revision 1.4 2001/02/28 10:15:18 tsuruoka * 無駄合の処理を追加 * * Revision 1.3 2001/02/28 09:13:31 tsuruoka * 反証数の上限を 65535 に * * Revision 1.2 2001/02/28 08:33:51 tsuruoka * select_child で 証明数が同じときは反証数が小さいのを選ぶ * * Revision 1.1 2001/02/27 10:58:45 tsuruoka * pds 長井詰め追加 * */